Contact Us

Company: Zhejiang Vinak Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd

General Manager: Li Qun
Tel: 15810369308

Address:#1-3-8 bldg., Guang Lian Industrial Park No.2 Ke Chuang fifith street Tongzhou, Beijing 101111, China
Telephone NO. 0086 575 83013396 Tel: 86-10-87706028 Fax: 86-10-87706022


Blue Lasers

2020/10/14 9:03:25      View: 3203

The Red Series CW/Quasi-CW  Laser is diode pumped frequency laser with  compacted, rugged and air/water-cooled  geometry.

The laser have the features of ultra compact, long lifetime, low cost and easy operation, which is applied in holography, DNA sequencing,  cell sorting, interference measurement, instrument,  spectrum analysis, laser printing, chip inspection, physics experiments, etc.


Output Power

SLM 671 Single Longitude Mode Series Red Lasers
Diode Pumped, Compact, Air-cooled, CW Lasers
Up to 50mW

RL 671 All Solid State Series Red Lasers
Diode Pumped, Compact, Air-cooled, CW Lasers

Up to  5 W

MAR 660 High Power Series Red Lasers
Q-Switched, Water-cooled

Up to  50 W