Picosecond Lasers

Actively-Passive mode locking flash lamp-pumped solide state laser
Solid-state saturable absorber spells the end of mess dyes and solvents
resulting in free maitance
Negative feedback employed in the oscillator resulting in exceptionally long and
stable pulse trains
Cavity-dump resulting in single ps pulse without the high cost of a regenerative
Energy Stability and less routine maintenance
Picosecond Lasers
Model |
Energy |
Repetition |
Pulsewidth |
Divergence |
Hyperion-30 |
30mJ @ 1064nm |
10 Hz |
30 ps |
<0.4 mrad |
Hyperion-100 |
250mJ @ 1064nm |
10 Hz |
100 ps |
<0.4 mrad |